The last day of NYFW 2016 was all about Marc Jacobs and dreads, but as for me I wanted to experiment more with light and shade to create more visually interesting images. I didn’t want my images to look perfect, but raw, moodier and more ‘in the moment’, and I couldn’t be more happier with my work on the last day at the Marc Jacob’s show.
I know its not my standard ‘clean and minimal’ style of editing but I’m really liking it. I guess at the end of the day, you have to ask yourself what are you trying to achieve and what story are you trying to tell. I added more green, contrast, grain and fades in my images to give my images a more edgier look.
Tell me what you think! xx
All street style images were created by, and copyright licensed to Karen Woo. Please seek permission regarding licensing before use on social media/web by emailing Thank you so much for your support x.