Luxe menswear styling and tailoring is my latest obsession at the moment. I just love the way men are so particular about the way they put on their suit (it must well fitted, no creases around the shoulders), the colour and pattern choices for their pocket squares, layering upon layering, vast array of shoes and of-course the way their hair and/or beard is sitting. About a month ago, I walked into Calibre looking for a present for my hubby but ended up buying a Moschino bandanna and a cute little Deer pin for myself. I used to remember my guy friends complaining why do women have so much better clothes and accessories, but I think the tides have turned because all I seem to be buying is XXXS clothes and accessories from the men’s section. Why is that? You must think I’m crazy but thank God I got the nod from my hubby because all I’ve been doing lately is raid his wardrobe.
So what better timing when Calibre approached me to work with them on their latest “Life in Calibre” campaign with Mr Gumbatron. If you don’t know who he is, Lex is a talented Architect, Coffee and Style Blogger with superb styling and creates the most incredible flat lays. Every image that he posts on Instagram makes me want to reach out for a coffee or dig my mouth into his nutella donut (which is the latest Melbourne craze at the moment). He is super cool and without a do, here are few of my fave street style images from the “Life in Calibre” campaign with the competition details below.
Whether it be a busy morning in the office, lunch on the weekend or a night out with the boys, we want to see how you live your life in Calibre. Each month our favourite picture will win a $1000 Calibre wardrobe (just a little something to make your everyday a little more extraordinary).
Simply FOLLOW and TAG your picture with @calibreaustralia, and don’t forget to hashtag #lifeincalibre. Good luck and may be the best dressed win!

Lex / Mr Gumbatron dressed in Calibre.