Paris Fashion Week Gucci 2018 street style with Mirrorless Nikon Z7 camera

This was Gucci’s first show in Paris outside of Milan, and it was manic with screaming fans and typical traffic jams. It was impossible to get any neat shots as every thing was happening so fast but I’m still managed to squeeze past the security to capture a few moments and street style looks. Even the famous actor, Jared Leto made a brief appearance which made all the fans go crazy.

All images were taken on the new mirrorless Nikon Z7 camera using Nikkor 70-200mm lens. The camera mode was set on “auto” which gives me an advantage of tracking people’s faces as I shoot without losing the moment. What a cool feature!


 to capture a few moments and favourite looks outside the Gucci show.


Paris Fashion Week DIOR Street Style 2018 with the NIKON Mirrorless Z7 camera


I can’t believe I’m finally here in Paris. It has been 5 year long dream of mine since I’ve started street style, and 2018 was the year I must go experience what everyone has been telling me about: the fashion, the chaos and how chic the French people truly are. The French did not disappoint, and they have been nothing but patient, kind and courteous. Today was my first day on the field and boy it was messy, super tight and you have to be lighting fast to get a good shot outside the shows. 

Thanks to NIKON Australia, I have the new NIKON Mirrorless Z7 to play with and I tell you, putting the camera on “Auto” mode has been the biggest life saver. I’m a strong manual shooter but in harsh and inconsistent lighting conditions and spontaneous moments it is simply better to remove my pride for sharp, accurate and winning shots. This means, less time required for adjusting colours in post.

Here are my favourite highlights taken from the NIKON Mirrorless Z7 camera using the NIKKOR 58mm lens, edited in Lightroom. Enjoy x


Crazy Rich Asian

It took me many years to embrace my Chinese heritage because it was that association: “Crazy Rich Asians” I stood against so much. I knew I could have anything growing up but my parents have firmly taught me, “don’t expect me to give you anything on a silver platter, you must work hard to earn it”. These wise words have played a huge relevance in my life to get to where I am today. I still got a lot to learn and do but today, I’m proud to be an Australian Born Chinese and I thank Maria Grazia Chiuri, the Creative Director of DIOR for celebrating and creating a voice for women like me to embrace my heritage and culture. 

I wear DIOR from the AW18 Youthquake collection.

Photos by Jay Wilde in collaboration with DIOR, at Melbourne’s Collin Street Boutique.



MFW Model Casting Day 2018

It was refreshing to see a new wave of bright young faces and personalities at this year’s Melbourne Fashion Week model casting day, and I’m very honoured to be associated with the event which celebrates diversity and beauty from all cultural backgrounds. I still believe and see, that Australia is still sadly a racial discriminatory country. I mean, take a look at all the fashion campaigns on the billboards or have a scroll through Instagram, most talents are white Caucasians. I was chatting to one of my Stylist friend the other day and he shared with me that a Customer called the company and complained about an advertisement which featured a black model. Then she carried on saying she will no longer shop there because of it. What utter bollox! It makes me so upset to know that racism is still predominant in our society. Well isn’t our sunburnt country historically dominated by beautiful Aboriginal people?

Anyway, I’m not here to rant but do let me know if you have experienced anything similar. I want to make a point that we should all support all walks of beauty, size, shape and heights! God created us to be all unique and we should love and be acceptance of each other.

Without further odu, here are some of the favourite moments captured from the MFW casting day. In my next post I will share my favourite model street style looks so stay tuned.