I can’t believe I’m finally here in Paris. It has been 5 year long dream of mine since I’ve started street style, and 2018 was the year I must go experience what everyone has been telling me about: the fashion, the chaos and how chic the French people truly are. The French did not disappoint, and they have been nothing but patient, kind and courteous. Today was my first day on the field and boy it was messy, super tight and you have to be lighting fast to get a good shot outside the shows.
Thanks to NIKON Australia, I have the new NIKON Mirrorless Z7 to play with and I tell you, putting the camera on “Auto” mode has been the biggest life saver. I’m a strong manual shooter but in harsh and inconsistent lighting conditions and spontaneous moments it is simply better to remove my pride for sharp, accurate and winning shots. This means, less time required for adjusting colours in post.
Here are my favourite highlights taken from the NIKON Mirrorless Z7 camera using the NIKKOR 58mm lens, edited in Lightroom. Enjoy x